Violence and Harassment Programs and Training Consulting

This course is offered anywhere in Ontario

Violence & Harassment Programs and Training

In Ontario, we have some of the most robust H&S language to detail how businesses manage the possibility of Violence and Harassment in the workplace. But, unfortunately, it is also the legislation that most employers have difficulty understanding how to be compliant.

Did You Know? The highest number of calls into the MLTSD from workers with an issue with their employer is because of some form of violence or harassment?

As part of section 32 of the OHSA, employers are required to conduct a Violence Risk Assessment. This is mandatory for all businesses.  Once you understand where the risk of violence is in your workplace, you must then develop a policy and procedure that describes how you will manage them.

The MLTSD has developed a “Code of Practice Harassment” that they use to measure compliance with this legislation. Go to our tab called Free Stuff to download a copy of that standard.  This standard describes some of the considerations and language you may consider when developing your V&H policy and procedure. It also describes the training that is required for supervisors and workers.

 Violence & Harassment Policies and Procedures Development

It is mandatory that in addition to conducting a Violence Risk Assessment of their workplace, they are also required to develop policies and procedures that must include certain elements. Businesses find that the task of trying to figure out not only what is needed but how do you write a policy and procedure for Violence & Harassment can be overwhelming; This is where we can help.

Industrial Safety Trainers has an exceptional consulting service where a consultant can do the following for your business:

  • Conduct a comprehensive documented Violence Risk Assessment of your business.
  • Review your current Violence & Harassment and update if necessary.
  • Develop or update your Violence & Harassment policies and procedures so that it meets the guidelines of the “Code of Practice Harassment” as defined by the MLTSD.
  • Create a training document that you will use to train your workers in Violence & Harassment based on your policies and procedures.
  • Provide you with forms and templates that you would use to investigate incidents of Violence & Harassment.


All workers are required to be trained in elements of your Violence & Harassment program.  As part of our service, we would typically inject the teaching elements of your Violence & Harassment to workers into your employee safety orientation program. Still, your current workers will need to receive this training.  Our goals are that you will train your workers as they are hired on, and that would include your current workers.

Most businesses feel that hearing it from our trainers has more impact on your workers than if it were to come from your training staff.  If that is the case with your company, we can provide training to your workers. We will review your policy and procedure elements, discuss what Violence & Harassment may look like in your workplace, and discuss how they could deal with situations.

Supervisors need more specific training.

Supervisors not only need to understand your Violence & Harassment program fully, but they have to have the ability to recognize when violence or harassment is happening at your workplace and how to take action when they see it happening or what to do if someone reports harassment.  Investigating violence or harassment is different than investigating an accident or incident.

Therefore, supervisors should have training on how to investigate Violence & Harassment.  This workshop for supervisors focuses on the duties and responsibilities of supervisors and managers when dealing with situations of violence or harassment.

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At Industrial Safety Trainers, we are experts in helping our clients navigate all the complexities of meeting compliance with our provincial safety laws.

Call us at 800-219-8660 and ask to speak to one of our no cost safety consultants or send an email to [email protected] and we’ll start the discussion.


At Industrial Safety Trainers, we are experts in helping our clients navigate all the complexities of meeting compliance with our provincial safety laws.

Call us at 800-219-8660 and ask to speak to one of our no cost safety consultants or send an email to [email protected] and we’ll start the discussion.


About Industrial Safety Trainers

We at Industrial Safety Trainers believe that we can make a difference. We provide training and consulting services that will change the way workers look at safety in the workplace. We offer a very unique way of training; a discussion based method of learning. Our training team is a highly skilled group of certified professionals with a wealth of industry experience and work related background but most importantly, they are passionate about safety training. Our support staff strives to understand our client realities and through collaboration and purposeful listening ensures facilitation of each specific training or consulting request. Each team member works tirelessly to make the registration process for training courses easy and enjoyable.

We operate offices out of Barrie and Ottawa. Industrial Safety Trainers is becoming one of the largest training providers in Canada. Training can take place at a variety of different training venues such as our state of the art mobile training center called the Safety Bus, our conference centers located at either our head office in Barrie or our new training centre in Ottawa, along with other locations that we feel are appropriate for training courses to be delivered.

“We believe the goal of making a workplace safe should not be a burden to the employer, it should be easy and affordable. We strive to ensure that our clients are educated about the applicable provincial and federal safety laws and how they should be applied.”