
Ladder Safety

Product Details



  • Language: English
  • Duration: 20 minutes

*Available in French

Ladders – it is likely that we have all used one at one time or another. We use ladders so often, both at home and at work, that ladder usage appears to be a rather common and safe practice. However, injury and fatality statistics tell a much different story. In Canada, thousands of people are injured or killed from using ladders every year, resulting in millions of dollars in claim costs. The average age of a person seriously injured or killed is 43 years old. Studies have also indicated that these incidents are related to abuse or misuse of ladders, and not from faulty manufacturing.

Understanding the importance of ladder safety and increasing the awareness about proper ladder use both on and off the job is critical in injury prevention. This 20-minute course will benefit any person who uses a ladder both on and off the job, as well as supervisors and JHSC members in the course of conducting workplace and equipment inspections.