On-Site and Distance Learning Courses

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Courses Offered - All Categories

Train The Trainer - Fit Testing Program

Train The Trainer - Fit Testing Program

Our Train The Trainer Programs provide your trainers with the knowledge, skills and tools to effectively train participants and evaluate their compete... Read More>>

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Bullying Prevention and Positive School Climate (Ontario)

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Workplace Inspections

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Train The Trainer - Custom Training Program

Industrial Safety Trainers offers a wide variety of Train The Trainer Workshops for equipment such as forklifts, cranes or others like WHMIS. With our... Read More>>

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Pricing for custom train the trainer program elements is based on the time needed to accomplish our goals with your team.

Hazardous Occurrence Investigations for Federal Workplaces

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Crane & Rigging Safety Refresher

Crane & Rigging Safety Refresher - Distance Learning

This is a discussion based training program that will see your trainer talking to participants about the hazards associated with the operation of over... Read More>>

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Classroom Distance